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What They Talked About In The Past Few Months?


Donald Trump

Andrew Cuomo

Play with the slide bar to discover the change
In January and February, Trump showed a very positive attitude towards COVID-19, saying many promising words such as “tremendous” and “good” in his debriefing speech. He started to talk more about government responses and the consequences of COVID-19 in March, saying many words such as ‘testing’, ‘healthcare’, etc. 

In February, Cuomo used more words about precautions against COVID-19 in his debriefing speech, but in low frequency. In March and April, he talked more about approaches against COVID-19, saying words like ‘hospital’, ‘ventilators’.
Politicians started to really emphasize the threat of COVID-19 and talk more about possible measures taken to handle this virus in March.
Attitude Change Shown in Public Speech
From January to March, Trump's attitude towards COVID-19 changed from overly positive to admitting the threats of COVID-19.
Whereas Cuomo, the governor of the New York State, has taken the virus more seriously at the beginning. His public debriefing shows his concerns about COVID-19 and the fluctuation in his attitude only appeared when he wrongly claimed that flus was more worrying than the COVID-19 virus.
In March, both of them acknowledged the seriousness of COVID-19 in public.
The overly positive speeches, uncertainty and conflicts in their attitudes combined have misled the public to some extent at the beginning.
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